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Part II
Les canons de l'hiver
Some tard is obsessed with star wars, He's a sith lord or some stupid shit. He has a little cult of “Jedi”
>Be me
>Still sixth grade
>4 months after the tard riot
>Live far up north so snow 24/7
>We are entrenched in snow
>Tards playing in the snow and flailing around
>Star wars tard carries a shitty light saber and practices his anime flailing
>Dale starts throwing snow at the tard
>Tard actually hits the snow ball
>Dale calls his henchmen and absolutely pelt the tard
>Tard is trying his best so he calls his cult over to help him out
>They all come over drawing their lightsabers
>Shit about to hit fan
>I see dale reaching for his zipper on his XXXXXXL pants
>Takes the longest shit ive ever seen
>Must be three feet of ham and cheese and carrots
>Dale’s tards do the exact same thing and shit on the ground
>They mold snowballs mixed with shit
Mind you were at public recess. So everyone is there witnessing this
>Every tard in a 50 foot radius goes ape shit
>I dig a foxhole and pray i don't get shit on me
>Normal students running indors
>Some take up arms against some tards
>Tard are steaming mad. So they take hockey sticks and charge th the jedi
>The loudest tard screech was dawned that day
>The lightsabers clashed with the sticks and hockey sticks
>Tard wranglers show up late
>The bloodshed had begun
>the snapping
of sticks and screams echo through the schoolyard
>Dale takes a huge fuckung branch and throws it at the main jedi kid
>Jedi kid is fucking ended
>Jedi kid moves to new district and is hospital
>The Jedis are no more