>>13522965**“ Yonker”** (n.) “An extremely copious, unformed, unpleasant and obnoxiously-odorous bowel movement, evacuated onto any handy available surface.” Cf. ‘Poop’, ‘shit’, ‘faeces’, ‘excrement’ etc.
** “To Yonker”; “Yonkers”** (vb.) “The process/act of birthing an extremely large, unpleasant and odorous bowel movement, evacuated onto any handy available surface.” Cf. ‘Bowel movement’ etc.
** “Diaper”** (n.) “An artificial absorbent padded covering about the groin, to prevent an extremely unpleasant outpouring of ‘Yonker’ (qv.)”.
** “Megna”** (n.) is a Korean word that translates as: “uncontrollable, copious, painful and obnoxiously-pungent Diarrhoea.”
“Are you OK, anon?” “Oooohhh... Megna...”