Nice, a 9/11 thread. I know more about 9/11 than anyone else alive. That’s why I wrote a book on it, which you can download for free below.
Maybe the shills can explain some things to me - Flight 97 just disappeared? The plane at the Pentagon just turned into “plasma”? 3 out of 4 black boxes either disappeared or were unreadable? WTC 7 collapsed at free-fall speed into its own footprint due to “office fires”? NIST never released their data or modeling on this because of public safety?
There were phantom planes on radar at NORAD and they were running drills simulating hijacked planes crashing into buildings on 9/11? 2.3 trillion missing dollars announced on Sept. 10, and the next day a bunch of accountants were blown up?
Insider trading on foreknowledge of the attacks? BBC reported the collapse of WTC 7 30 minutes early? Bomb sniffing dogs removed “abruptly” just days before the attack?
Israeli art spies with boxes of fuses in the towers? Dancing Israelis caught with cash and a boxcutter? Cee Cee Lyles saying “It’s a frame”?
Of course, people like Marvin Bush, Larry Silverstein, Rumsfeld, and Dov Zakheim know more than me, but the real tragedy is that our own cowardice is what sealed our fate.
People like Cheney, Robert Zemeckis, and everyone in the Gelitin “art group” know the truth. There’s only one way to crack these eggs, but no one is willing to stand with me.
It’s a crime against humanity that these lying rats were able to get away with it.
No one can explain these facts, because deep down they all know the truth. But I'll never stop posting about it because 9/11 is the one thing that could crack the façade and rile up the normies enough to throw off the eternal yoke of the Synagogue of Satan.
Download my book here: the Two Witnesses end times ministry here: