and dataabses in general are scam
macOS and iphone are for fags
windows is for cattle
pussy fuckin studs use icewm+freeBSD forth is along with plan9 and rmox by u kent in england the csp based os are tek winners
usury infests computing and its jewed to hell like university and politics
MBA are useless secretaries
offshoring is treason end it along with alimony and baby payment
Alan Kay claims smalltalk on the metal is best
we need a king and white ethnostate
boot jew n wog and take money from women and force abort all unwanted pregnancy safe atomic >> burn hydrogen from tank in stirling engine car/train replace big tek n media with and ban all anti white shit including speech and usury and landlord also ban corp and bank and trade and immigration
ban sports except miss bum bum
gay display in public 2 year jail like singapore
capture all riot mobs
and 100 free houses per white male from king
ban shrinks too and university and school
good pro white gov
no jew or wog
no foriegn aid