>>20263072>It attracts psychoticsIt makes you psychotic. If you work in Hospitals, eventually you become a numb adrenaline-junkie that wants to help people but also get a rush. Not unusual to have to deal with an RRT (Rapid Response Team [Event]) if not a patient Coding (Dying) 2-3 times a week.
4/5 Millennial RNs I've known are Rave-Heads.
>>20263074$>100K. During COVID I was making mad money when there was High-Volume. Travel RNs make 3x a dedicated-hospital RN makes. RN Memes about Travel RNs is that they become Bouji as fuck. In fact, there was a Bipartisan attempt by the US Congress in 2020 to Salary-Cap Travel RNs at $150k cause they were making mad money during COVID.
I'm now a Truck Driver and I'm trying to better understand investing/trading nowadays on the side; more at peace after I realized I like to be alone and Travel. I enjoy helping people, but you also have to help undeserving people sometimes. I fucking hate what I call Drug-Fiends (not Drug-Users and Drug-Addicts). I started thinking it was time for a career change when I threatened one privately I'd break his fucking bones and make him go into a coma if he went AMA again when MDs wanted to remove his Necrotizing Pancreatisis. I did not like seeing his mother crying-praying to God over her Drug-Fiend son and this dude indirectly torturing her cause he just wanted to get IVPs of Dilauded (hydromorphone).