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>What the fuck is wrong with Canadians?
>I'm from Europe I moved to B.C just 2 years ago and I've noticed that Canadians are very cold and depressing, but not in the way we'd do it in Europe, no we generally have fun, but I have no idea what Canadians do exactly.
>There is nothing here. No culture, no places to visit, in the suburbs its all depressing malls and if you want to travel 40 minutes downtown just to get to walk or whatever, be my guest, because there is nothing down there. There is no community, no unity, not a place people "gather" like a city center. Night life is non existent, actually any kind of life is. Besides shopping, or going to one of the like 5 restaurants in the area, whom are all owned by big business, there is nothing else to do. I seriously think that all people do here is work and shop. Even the food isn't that great, everything is bad in quality, their clothes selection is abysmal, pretty much everything sucks here, it's like they intentionally designed a place to be as soul crushing and isolating as possible.
>And the people man... what can I say. They all stare at you in this weird way over the suggestion of hanging out doing anything at all. They malfunction at the idea and they actually get anxious, and no it's not rejection, they are actually sincere, like nobody has asked them if they want to get a beer before. Everyone behaves like a zombie, just kinda there to be considered a functioning human, but in reality they are gone. Is it something in the water? I've been living for 2 years here and I've barely seen my neighbors. What do they do all day?