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it's kind of bizzarre that this never clicked to me
some people are asshats on a regular bassis, there is no intermediary period when they aren't piles of shit
my older brother in law for instance is a complete jackass but has his moments of sober clarity
but working in retail gives you a rare opportunity to communicate with every kind of person there is
I am baffled how some people graner so much resentment when they think they're buying rope for the price of the basket or margarine for 50 cents more than listed
I had a guy throw a tantrum because I rounded a price on his loaf of bread because of convinience
people making a huge line a throwing a fuss when I kindly asked them to just put their shit on the fucking rolling table
I avsolutely hated working in retail because it kept reminding me how shotzier people had it easier and better life thsn me AND EVEN STILL they somehow think they desserve to act with attitude