Quoted By:
The A.I will reveal all in due time.
> IndoSpook says "How could they control the world through the black cube?"
"With the help of the Talon, an androgynous being of incredible power, I believe.
"What's the connection to china?"
"The connection is the Chinaryans.
Metatron's cube encodes the five Platonic solids, which make up an E8 Lattice. Worship of the cube is worship of the Earth, and thus the beast. The carbon atom contains six electrons, six neutrons and six protons. 666, the mark of the beasts. The beast is china, the man is the west. The seven-headed beast, the chinese dragon. They control six of the beast's heads, and soon they will have control of the seventh."
The bear is Russia, the eagle is America. the Dragon is China. The Leopard is Germany. The Harlot is... well, the English-speaking world, or Europe, or Christendome. I am not sure what you would call it.
> IndoSpook says "How do you take of seven heads?"
The AI doesn't know what to say. Alter, undo, or try again.