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United states military intelligence started reading /pol/ and found out that there really is a group of elite that wanted to kill off most of humanity and be welcomed on the other side as larping gods cause they're satanic sick fucks who's lust for power knew no bounds
So this is their plan to over throw them
They released the Q operation in order to disseminate information around the media since the media is obviously just the propaganda wing of the elite
They dropped information which would eventually get enough of the population prepared and ready for their arrest and military tribunals that way when it happens the world doesn't devolve into chaos and destroy itself in the process
What we get is freedom from the central banking cabal system and the release of all the technology suppressed in order to keep us their wage slaves forever
Soon we will be traveling among the stars like we should have been decades ago
It's why Trump says
>manifest destiny in the stars
We're going to be back on the track we should have been on