>>18131870I have standards, Anon. I could go to India, Mexico, or some other 3rd world brown country and get a soulless brown NPC wife in a milisecond. Even Asians and Chinese bitches flock to White men like flies on shit. I've seen it happen with my own eyes. When I confront my friends and call them out for being losers with low standards, they just say "WE CAN BLEACH THEM". Taking non-Whites is the low hanging fruit. I'm assuming you're just some mutt who'd never admit what I'm saying is true, because you're piss poor genetics limit you. Fuck off. You're getting deported. I don't live for women and fulfilling pleasure, I live for things much greater than your tiny spic brain could ever understand. Any man who places "pussy" and "bitches" as his highest priority is a broken, sad excuse for a "man".
I only like White women. I'm not going to lower my standards for beaners.