>>4550094That's also a great place to look if you attractive and want the same.
>>4550131>you need to get a normie girl frist then show he 4chanTerrible idea,
>>4549870 don't do this op.
>Show nu-gf Four Chins>Normiefag outrage sparks immediately>She yells accusingly throwing insults like (evil, pedophile, nazi, cyber bully, cartoon watching loser)>Leaves you surrounded and humiliated with a crowd of people>Tells all her friends and family that your a racist whether you actually are won't matter>Forever a wizard robot because all the normalfags think your Hitler incarnated>Realize you fucked up by trusting a normalfag to open up and share your interests and life with>An Hero>>4550131Good that it worked out for you but that is very risky, normies can't be trusted but it's good you were converted.