>>1016190>Can do anything against IsraelHAHAHAHA, dude remember that Israel have more weapons that are hidden from public knowledge. Good luck trying to conquer heaven.
>Your has ordered you to kill othersIn what part of the new testament God has ordered to kill anyone?
For satan's love, learn some fucking history, you sandnigger. THe crusades were created in order to keep stuff calm and controlated, like a pólice. BUT the sooner or later it become corrupted and ended like a business.
>The reason for our problems today is because you westerners took our land, our resources, and turned us into slaves. You made it so we cannot develop into first world countries. And today you are bombing us and looking for excuses to take our oilYesss, thats it, let the butthurt flow.
>Once islam rules the world then we can for once finally have no more war, famine and poverty.I will never get tired of repeat it, Islam is cáncer. Nothing good will come out of it.