They want a fight against us.
If war is what they want, then war is what they get.
While engaging in the meme war, continue archiving and find a new home, out of the prying eyes of glowies, jidf and sjws.
From the last thread:
I repeat, this is NOT a drill.
Following the joint ban wave of thousands of Youtube channels and Reddit subs (including American Reinassance, Stefan Molyneux and r/TheDonald), it is safe to say that 4chan is the very last bastion of free speech with a big community on the Internet. Now all the kikes and glowniggers have their sights on us, we are their final boss; it is only a matter of time before this place goes down too.
How do we backup everything?
What online alternatives do we have?
And if there are none, how do we stay connected and keep spreading the truth?
Previous threads:
>>265518999 #>>265504392 #>>265491531 #>>265535634