>>2650897You fucking morrocan who always support asianmasculintiy meme? it's not this, the majority are normal couples and people who the loser beta pathetic asian men want to marginalize and shill against because they are fucking autist egocentric jealous beta losers
They fucking cherrypick this shit, have thousands of niggers who pay for white prostitutes on USA, pathetic beta asian men who try to get ukraine mail brides, it's evil this racist shilling and meme invented by fucking autist virgin loser asian boys on internet and the most evil is that democrats on USA never will expose these losers and will try to feed them, USA media only produce racial anti-white male garbage to please their non-white democrats party racist voting base
You're asian to pretend that it's not loser asian boys on internet who are jealous pyschotic egocentric losers insecure and shilling against normal people because of their ego of asian boy?
Imagine if was produced cuckold pornography against asian boys, white male and asian females couples happens all the time and are normal couples, since asian women aren't marginalized and aren't viewd as other race really, they are just like brunnete white women for the dudes who are attracted to them, beta loser asian men wants with all their heart cherrypick the worse pics, of these memes to try to marginalize and relate them to bad things to try to make asian women don't date white dudes and also try to relate white dudes with anti-white male memes to feel better in their fucking loser ego
Have beta asian men in Netherlands and you are one of these? Is insane that these dudes are chimpouting on internet for years and white dudes and asian wmen are rare in media, porn, movies, even having thousands of couples, thousands of cute asian women in USA, Korea, Japan, China, Singapore, Thailand, with white dudes, while american media try to create fake couples and shill with white women because democrats wants to create this narrative