>>10942666Intelligence =/= Wisdom
You could have completed a PhD in mathematics and still be a fucking retard when it comes to other things. If you want to see this on a smaller scale just look at how intelligent (relative to other) children act as they grow up. They will test the boundaries of what's safe for them, try to get away with things, see how far they can push you around etc. I'm sure somewhere in there they're making a calculation based on their limited knowledge of the world, but no matter how good they are at making that calculation, if the information is inadequate, it will be wrong - and it could even get them killed.
Society today is in a similar boat. Even the most intelligent among us only know so much, and there has been so much disinformation spread by retards and actual bad actors that our very view of the world barely reflects the reality of the situation.
Today we push the boundaries by importing millions of spics and niggers into our country under the faulty assumption that the only thing that separates us are purely economic factors and that we can rehabilitate and take care of these people if we put in enough effort. That if we think enough positive thoughts and hold the right opinions that these people who ultimately resent us for our historic success as a culture and people will be able to join hands with us and sing kumbayah together. Only to find themselves stabbed in the stomach, shot, and/or raped for their trouble.
We're headed for dark times friend - both figuratively and literally.