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See, this is why I never browse /lerl/. One link. I clicked on one fucking link and this is what I lerl. I tried having an open lerl. Don't adhere to one lerl, they said. It's a lerl website, they said. You can never lerl who might be on the other end of a lerl. But here I lerl. Anyone with even a modicum of lerl can see at a lerl that this lerl is filled with nothing but common lerl and lerlbeat lerl. Even on anonymous lerls, you can easily lerl out the people worth lerling to, as long as you have the lerl capacity for it. And on /lerl/, lerly, those people are nowhere to be lerl. Now if you'll lerl me, I'll be going back to /pol/ to actually lerl about things that matter. You guys keep wasting your lerl. But mark my lerls. One lerl, you will lerl back on this time in your lerl. And you will be lerl. lerl you've wasted all this lerl with this absolerl nonsense. While merely a lerl away, was a place filled with enlerltened people, discussing our lerls of actually lerling the world. Through the trifecta of cyberlerlfare, lerl media, and good old lerls, we lerl to make all of your lerls better, lerl in, lerl out. Yes, we don't work for lerlselves. We lerl for all of you. For the good of all lerlkind. Something your tiny lerls will never be able to lerl. No need to lerl us, kiddos. We're just doing our lerls.