>>18186092During her wanderings, Yokoko can over hear whispers of the feared Minnie Moo.
>Didn't you hear, I heard she killed a woman.>One, more like several.>I heard she's the size of a whale and it's about to set saaaaail.Once Yokoko leaves the bar, a one legged, old man dressed like a pirate with one leg in a wheelchair rolls in front of her.
>I hear ye be lookin' ta bag the dreaded Moo.>I tried ta hunt 'th Moo and failed in me youth.>Fer years I roamed da seas ta find it's lair. Da Labyrinth.>Fer months I roamed the empty halls, trying ta find th' Moo, haunted by it's vile sounds.>Fer days we fought, until it got lucky and took me eye and legs!>If ye be willin' ta kill the Moo, ya best learn from me tale.>Fer yer best chance ta kill th' Moo, ya need ta call it out fer a challenge. A duel in their place most sacred, t'h arena!