I made this during season 3
https://archive.4plebs.org/tv/thread/204993080/#204995118I'm making it again now.
You can mirror ppv.land / ftl site in your local with OBS by using scene collections generated based on the .m3u8 playlist
With OBS you can->
>use inbuilt screen capture and recording options>downgrade the stream quality to 720p or lower depending on your bandwidth>Use buttons for easy navigation.Here's the scene collection of OBS.
https://pastebin.com/rWvVknqrThe instructions to import the collections
>Copy the pastebin content into your text editor and save it as a json file.>Open the OBS. >Click on "Scene Selection" menu.>Click on Import and select the saved json file. Check the webm for the layout.
If a stream isn't available on OBS or you need to update a .m3u8 media source or add a new scene from the .m3u8 playlist once it gets included
>Click on the specific scene or create a new scene.>Click on the 'media source' or create a new media source of that particular scene.>copy the stream url(E.x: #EXTINF:-1,Kitchen it'll be https://ftest.3045x.com/8c8btla37r6nux8f/index.m3u8) and in the input text box.