>>20104609>just glad he's fucking okay, tell him i'm still pissed, but i don't really care right now we can address it some other time i'm just glad you're okay>jesus christ never had a friend self harm like this before>get back to talking like usual>last friday>playing quake champies which is pretty gay but it's fun because we haven't gaymed in ages>evening rolls around, say i gotta do chores>come back>minutes into playing says his ex (not abortion ex) called, says he has to go get his dick wet, are you going to be on later>just tell him to enjoy fucking his ex (second time btw, and he doesn't love this woman at all and is completely using her)>thursday>he's mulling about abortion gf again>listening>but getting a bit tired>poignantly asks "is it so bad to want to be in a romantic relationship">just flip the script on him, tell him it's pretty fucking bad he's freaking the fuck out and that he needs to get his priorities sorted>he gets enraged>calls me a shit friend>says that telling him to cope with distractions, and that remarking that abortion is a callous situation, is all I've ever done>says he needs to cool off>pm him if he's drinking>apparently BLOCKED (wtf)>leaves some of my group chats>just haven't fucking heard from him>realize he's being a selfish shithead>realize getting his dick wet and mulling about women is his prime priority>realize that he's probably incredibly pissed when I tell him about my experiences and how I've gotten over it, and that he just doesn't want to be challenged because NO ONE else challenges his viewpoints in his life>realize that it's not my job to be paternalistic>realize I have my own life to focus on rather than continue to worry about my best friend who apparently would rather just go no contact with meHe's mentally ill and needs psychiatric help and I'm broken inside over this. But that's not my job. I'm disgusted with how pathetic he is but he's my bro in the end...but maybe I was misled.