>>10249020no, I have a penis, I'm not showing it again but I do have it
>too youngoh you are so infected with oedipus syndrome
say, when will you be poking your eyes out?
>curlswait, isn't curls when you raise dumbells up and down?
>fatI have nearly no fat left, my belly no longer shows donut rings and if I lose some more I'm pretty sure I'll be able to see my abs for the first time in my life
my bicepses look fatter (only visible muscle mass growth) but not impressively fatter... any ideas how to grow leg muscles? I never skip legs but they are chicken legs through and through
>alchoholimpossible to effectively prohibit sonce yeasts and sugars are everywhere
>bootleggersthere was a lot of illegal importantion from canada
>painfulyeah they can be pretty painful depending on how you clip them on your nips