Can't link my last three breads, lost them so if any of you lads can post em so anons can read em that would be great.
Quick COMPdown: Chicago wants to bring in UN troops to deal with the gang violence.
UN troops will patrol the streets of Chicago in their tank and armored vehicles.
UN troops have been given authority to use lethal force on American citizens if they do not comply.
They are a foreign army inside American soil, patrolling American Cities, and ordering American civilians what to do, all of this violates the Constitution and thus it will become a declaration of war. I don't care about the dindus, I care about the fact that they will use the dindus as a scapegoat to come in and start setting up their headquarters in Chicago to take down Trump in an armed coup.
UPDATE!!!! IT IS CONFIRMED THAT UN TROOPS ARE ALREADY ENTERING CHICAGO.>"American Occupation? UN Vehicles Entering Chicago, Are They Following Executive Orders?" Video below below was taken by a guy who used his drone to record footage of UN vehicles in a Maryland UN storage facility. below is the Chicago Dindu commissioner who wants to bring in UN troops.
>"UN Troops on US Soil Chicago Asks For International Help, Against Constitution? Richard Boykin the Commissioner Of Cook County Chicago met with the United Nations asking for UN Peacekeeping Troops for Chicago." THIS LADS !