>>11150326>3 is decent for teaching people3 is due to historical circumstance only. People are used to hearing it. But where do indians and pakis fit in? Inuits? 4-5-6-7 isnt enough.
What is scientific is what's actually used within science - identifying different lineages and haplogroups. The race concept is mostly political, and not very useful.
On a superficial level it overlaps with something we think is intuitive. We think we know what "white" is. But in reality, what we really think of when we think "white" is much more narrow than the claimed race. Does the Tajik man in pic related strike you as "white"? Not me.
"White" the concept is pretty narrowly western europeans of idiomatic fair complexion. The type of people we're used to seeing. Germanics, anglos, frenchmen and northern Italians.