>>10224954>It's just an attempt by Ubi-soft to draw their biggest user base back in after alienating them for a decade.Japan/Eastern Europe are taking their market with their games after Western industries kowtowed to lefties for a decade.
Ubisoft loves money more than ideology in the end. But I'm sure their kike shareholders are not happy with the lack of diversity in the trailer.
>>10224957>You aren’t Caucasian.Lel stay mad. Only (((white))) people try so hard to be aryans online.
I see your type. Breivik was one of you.
>You make 0 sense now. You literally were proud of being a golem of the Jews in your previous reply. Cope more ranjeed.Are you braindead? Just calling out the irony of the race that spent the last century building the kikes their ethnostate with their blood and taxes calling other races golem but I understand if this is too much for your IQ to comprehend.