>>13605159>>13605160>>13605161>>13605162>thinks he sees weird lighting>because this low-IQ imbecile thinks light on the surface of the moon should be exactly the same as the light in a studio on earthThe Inca did not understand the sun. They believed the sun was a god. They believed that when they saw a "weird" lighting on the sun, - an eclipse - that it meant their god was angry with something they did. Such thinking is what happens when low-IQ people are combined with a lack of knowledge and information and capacity for abstract thought.
>Oh, hey, would you look at all those lunar rover tracks.. And hey, the decent modules are still up there on the moon right where we left them. So, wow, that means any future expeditions to the moon can verify the location of those rover tracks and decent modules. Imagine if those things aren't actually up there. That would be definitive proof that the US made the whole thing up. China and India are inches towards a manned lunar mission . The US in collaboration with several EU countries are working on a manned lunar mission. Imagine all these countries discover that the US made the whole thing up. Yeah.