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Lifeguarding story time /bant/
>be me, male, 19, somewhat overweight because forwarding American stereotype
>get a job as lifetard
>work place and bosses are chill
>some guys are chads, but are nice
>most grils are hot and none of them are stacies (or none of them were assholes to me)
>one gril is fat, and as a result, is a feminist
>new management took over pool because other management went bankrupt
>first time as lifetard so had no idea this was the case
>staff was a mixture of people who worked at the pool last year and newfags
>apparently, not a single fuck was given about enforcing rules last year
>I'm normally quiet but come from a loud family
>I decide I had better do my job, so I enforce rules
>I'm loud
>but, I'm doing my job
>make friends and become known as the strictest lifetard that works there because I do care about safety, but I also like yelling at asshole kids who think they can do whatever they want
>become legend at place of work since I'm loud enough to yell at kids who are 500 feet away