>>5652940>That is basically what most of the credible people actually think is going on.I did not arrive at this position over night.
I was true believer.
It took me years of research into every strong UFO case to realize this.
Then of course examining all the so called 'ancient alien' artifacts
and art in antiquity and renaissance.
These are all either complete mis-interpretations, religious or cultural iconography.
Some UFO researchers are plainly dis-ingenious and misrepresent artifacts to suit their theories.
In my personal beliefs, this is without evidence to support it; I leave the door open that maybe there was one alien UFO that crashed on earth and we did reverse engineer it.
But there was only one.
Never was there hundreds coming here.
You mention DARPA.
They recently tested their HTV Falcon drone craft.
It's triangle shaped and travelled at Mach 22 in it's last test flight!