>>19312695Kanako's forced smile quickly faded as Paule sat on her couch. She didn't take the bait for a conversation shift. And she wasn't impressed the least by her "honesty." At least she avoided the pillow with the pistol underneath it. She set her gift from Paule aside, walking over to the couch. She listened, her face running cold.
>B-But->U-Um->I mean-Kanako tried to interrupt, but Paule kept talking.
>I...I have a good reason for teaming with Nika. She isn't one of the Divine Angels anymore!Kanako forced a smile, stealthy grabbing her pistol under her pillow and stuffing it behind her back.
>S-So Nika did a lot of bad stuff...Kanako hesitated.
>And she didn't infect me with any sort of "meanie virus." I just...Kanako looked at the floor.