>>19057224Big Pharma is big chem, which is derived from big alchemists, which is derived from big freemasons and jesuits and zionists.
Since the beginning of civilisation there were "scholars" who tricked people into consooming literally poison and told them it is medicine.
NPCs and "Doctors" act like a 18 century disease or even before was "well defined" or even properly diagnosed.
When something back then was a hysteria, then literally every symptom became "small pox".
From fever, to bad dreams, to diahrrea, to vomitting, to skin rash, to fever even without the presence of "postules".
>smallpox epidemic>declare everyone who has hairloss, skin irritations, flu like sympotms as "small pox">force them to take mercury and antimony as "purge before" the phenolized "vaccines">if the die during this process, declare them as "smallpox deaths">stop with vaccination and antimony and mercury "purging">le pandemic is over>picrelhttps://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/76387024.pdf"Pox Britannica: Smallpox Inoculation in Britain"
Deborah Christian Brunton
University of Pennsylvania
they declare a disease, pretend it is specific.
Pretend if you not have any symptom you still have it.
Trick or forced people to literally consoom poison.
When they died declare them "smallpox victims".
The shit is always the same, for leprosy, for pestilence, and syphillis.
Only with syphillis the did the best memes, because they literally tricked people that "mercury" when injected in ther urethra would "prevent" syphillis.
Which is amazingly retarded.
>inject mercury in dick>dick falls of>must be the syphillis>absolute kekhttps://collection.sciencemuseumgroup.org.uk/objects/co142041/mercury-douche-for-urethral-therapy-paris-france-1840-1895-doucheDisease symptoms are real.
>specific diseases are memes crated by hysteria and leverage to sell product or achieve fame by "curing it".>if you have a hammer everything looks like a nail