>>10618450Gods told us various myths and portrayed themselves as mythical characters same as parents/teachers dress up at home/school as fictional characters to make it easier for children to understand the message of the story.
The Gods are real while the stories about Gods are allegories.
>The Ragnarok represents the Nigredo, when the soul dies and reborn purified.>Thor "killing" Jörmungandr represents the Vidyut Shakti (The Lightning) activating the Kundalini Shakti (The Serpent).>Woden is Norse equivalent of God Mercury. In Alchemy, Mercury is the “Fluid Principle”, the Spirit. This is the Kundalini.>The union of Niflheim and Muspelheim created Ymir. This is a allegory for Rebis (Magnum Opus/Shivarupa), the god being created through the union of opposites.Gods are interdimensional beings/aliens/etc. that created humanity in Sumer in their own image.
Modern Europeans are the closest genetically to Gods.