>>13137950>>13137956>>13137968>>13137970>>13137971>>13137974>>13137983>>13137988>>13137990>>13137994>>13137998>>13138003>>13138004Ok, but if you're really serious about this, then make sure you leave your stormcuckery views at the door when or if you ever go to Russia.
>inb4 mutt: b-but le russian (mostly ukranian) hiwis were based and accepted by germans...they fought the good fight :)Yeah but at the same time millions of Russians and Belarusians were slaughtered by the Germans and other westerners (something they haven't forgotten), they don't care if a million Holhols joined up with the krauts.
>inb4: b-b-b-b-but based and red pilled ruskies love muh hitler...they love le third reich Something like 0.001% of the Russian population holds those views. If you go off somewhere to like Volgograd and start revealing your power level about hitler, then you're gonna get your head caved in the pavement by some drunken ruskie for being a cyka westiod.
Just trying to help you because I'm guessing your just another mutt who's barely even left his state let alone country right?