>>18879658benises are reddit
you are but i think ur just tryna kid around
i just have a commieblock...
md means mohammad but idk why they write it like md
me uncle was working on a project with a pajeet and he asked me over to do live on air translation between them on skype. the pajeet had "md" in his name. i was like "you have to be shitting me, clearly he's a paki with that name". and he was even unavailable during ramadan. but me uncle insisted he knew the guy wasn't a paki and sure enough when we linked up and communicated in his pajeet drivel, it became clear he was a hindu. idk why he had "MD" in his name and didn't work on ramadan. but he was definitely indian. pajeets are just retarded and do retarded things.
>>18879691i guess you really do hate niggers
i don't get it. i like the sneedsons but shouldn't there be a joke in there somewhere?
you need to start looking at those movies with a more critical eye. compared to upgrade, they're complete trash