The thing is, it is god's plan. You and your daughter and your wife and boss and inlaws, everything you can see hear and touch is God. Humble yourself, its you're ego that gets offended at the fact you have to suffer. You believe in God? You believe in heaven? You believe your daughter is innocent? You're a man of devout faith? Then you'll see here again in like 50 years. That's nothing, a blink of an eye. Yes you're suffering now, yes your daughter is suffering now, but it's temporary. Stay steadfast in your faith brother and you will see your beloved in the afterlife in eternal glory with God. You don't have to like it, but you do have to accept it. Humble yourself in front of God, let go of fear, let go of your ego, it is GODS plan, not yours. Don't question it and beg him for strength and understanding. All will be well in the afterlife. Simple as.,vid:zVgLJWr_2Kk