>>7591654>I can only stand being in the city for so long.Ohh, you dont like the city? That’s a shame, personally, I love it. I could live in a city. Its so, boring out here.
>I apologize for not understanding.I might have worded it wrong, its my fault Anon. What I meant is that she might be one of us Anons, she likes 4chan and is very well knowledgeable in internet/meme culture, plus her drawing skills are that of a pro webtoon Artist! Honestly, she’s great all around. Yet not a lot of people like her for her “harsh and straightforwardness”. Some people say she is rude and that she isn’t that pretty, but personally, I think she is wonderful, plus she’s nice to me so that a win. Pale fair skin, big ol’ honkers, knows internet culture, and she is actually quite smart and interesting if you listen to her stories and crap! But, nowadays, most teenagers only care about sports, how well socially you fit in, tan thots, and crappy rap.
>Was this some kind of cruiseUmm, no not really a cruise, more like a tourist boat that we rented, we really didn’t want to have clases so we made this whole field trip and managed everything (our class alone did this), we presented it to our bio teacher (who is super laid back and cool) and we went along with it because he didn’t do any work, so we ended up going! Its the mating season for whales here in mexico, so its the best time to go!
And yes, the coast gaurd is underrated.
Here’s a picture of the bay.