>>14166253I'm not "yoinkass", dumbass. I am not a "sex offender", I do not offend gender or penetration. What pictures? Of my dick? H-hey, bigu wanted it. But he wasn't a friend. Now it's not april anymore.
I don't even fucking care if you dislike fiction being in situation like that. I'm not the one who requested that or drew it either, fuck you. I'm not "pedozoo" for the last fucking time. You shoudl stop jumpgin to every fucking conclusion that you make up you fucking retard, and stop using proxies too. Incriminating? Nigga these bitched incriminated on my dick and i blew them really good.
And my comupiter just has LTN stuff and drawings and requests I've done for /b/ drawfags
>>14166098you unattractive internet trolls
>>14166151she's a skilled karate fag.