Quoted By:
>be me
>21, college dropout, live in shitty apartment
>job at public swimming pool
>It doesn't pay very well but I get to be outside and it pays my rent
>manager says she wants us to clean entire locker room/shower area
>shit-ass coworkers ditch me to talk about normie junk
>it's ok though, antisocial so I don't mind doing it myself
>I have to use bleach and rags to clean the locker rooms
>do the entire men's side, takes 2 hours and 45 minutes
>"wow good job anon, you did that all by yourself! make sure to rinse off your hands in case you got any bleach on you ;)))))))
>fucking bitch.mp4
>get home, hand starts to sting a little
>"ohshid I didn't rinse it"
>I figure it doesn't really matter
>go on my computer
>anime tiddies.rar
>jerk off
>2 hours later
How will I accept life as a eunuch /bant/?