>>13061507>is it hope porn or some remote form of soft disclosure??¿¿Right, eh?
This was his original twitter page, using alter-ego Reinhold Niebuhr:
https://mobile.twitter.com/reinholdniebuhr?lang=enEven after he revealed himself in 2017 -
https://mobile.twitter.com/formerbu?lang=en - he continued to occasionally post as reinhold.
I had posted a semi-cryptic twit to Comey a couple years back, pretty much saying I had been studying him for years trying to figure where his real truth lies. Very soon after, I discovered that someone had checked out my profile for the first time.
>If he really got 'the ax'...well, truth is he probably deserved it fully. However, in an alternate universe that resides neatly within my psyche, the starkly crude announcement of Corney's Harvest has simply been planted to embed a freakish wormhole in the psyche of Certain Traitors who know it's only a matter of time until THEY'LL be in front of The Tribunal.
>Psyops Supremo, and very fitting if true.Obama, Michael, Valerie, Susan, Eric H, Sally, Victoria...etcetera, etcetera....sooo many traitors who must know their crimes already exist as proven facts so there's really no way out for them but to try to avoid Comey's fate by giving up those darkest hidden shadows, or, well, planning themselves a suicide weekend to end their misery.
>Of course, my mind has a mind of its own where black and white -or grey for that matter- lends itself to colors rarely seen.Until I see undeniable proof, I doubt I could change my mind.