>>13513884>>13513909I'm just telling you to be careful, you've given a lot of info. I've had the feds here, too. They made my wife come out in her underwear while they're in full tactical gear at all four corners of my house. I'm not saying be afraid, maybe just don't post as much personal info here that you are. But whatever dude, if you think the risk of posting all this shit is worth the reward go ahead. I just don't know where you think it's going to get you. I'm doxxed as fuck, it isn't fun. My kids get harassed at school. Googling my name is pretty detrimental to job opportunities if I ever needed a different one. We've had to deal with state boards and harassment from local police. I don't want other people in this position, journalists lurk here and we know they all work hand in hand to take everything from you.