>>14676924>>14676921and other posters I might have missed
GET YOURSELF A POZBERRY PI (or equivalent), as much as I hate raspberry PI for going political and LGBTBBQ, their products are decent
Install PiHole on there, and import all the blocklists you want
Get your router to use the pihole as it's one and only DNS server, creating rules that no other DNS servers can be used by blocking the appropriate ports
I use an old Ubiquiti USG so it works for my home network
Now sure, you'll say its like putting yourself in a cell with the jail keys, but the whole point is 1. to learn about basic security and also block a ton of windows/ad/spying/porn domains, just so the porn is just that hard to get
honestly for me it really helps, just by knowing that i have to go through a bunch of hoops just discourages me and gives me time to rein myself in and go wait a fucking minute im not falling for it you fucking coombrain
also pray to god you heathens