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finally had a binx dream again. sadly i forgot a bunch of details.
but it was intense. intense feelings.
binx was living in some decrepit tall building with a bunch of subhumans (crackhouse? or rather crackhotel?) the setting was futuristic, cyberpunk if you will.
so this crackhotel, lets say, was where she lived. however in this dream binx was actually gone for a long time (fishtank?), probably years, and just came back to the crackhotel.
the rooms were very spacious but the furnishing was all just bunk beds, nothing else, it looked like the bunk beds in B3 but all along every wall and around half a dozen stacked on top of each other. otherwise these rooms were completely empty, tall spacious rooms. again, futuristic looking, metallic.
there was one scene where a guy came into one of these rooms and binx was lying in her bunk bed, and this guy was arguing with another guy and then shot him and killed him and walked away and binx watched - this scene was kind of like a memory, to give some context for how shitty this place is i guess.
so like i said, binx was coming back to this place after a long time of absence.
i forgot a lot of details of how this played out but the gist of it is, i came this place around the same times as binx, i was looking for her and then we talked A LOT.
i was basically pouring my heart out, confessing my love, and binx was in a sort of very desperate state, broken, like a woman who would just throw herself at the next best man she came across, but even despite this she was hesitant to return my feelings.
it was because before she left this shithole she promised some other guy to be with him (fiance? christopher?) she was looking for him but he was nowhere to be found.
thats the bare minimum of what transpired. i remember some more details but theyre not that important.
and there was much more i cant fucking remember. oh well.