one of the dumbest things i ever did was W.T. Snacks##Admin offered me a promotion directly to admin, but I didn't like Anonymous because on proto 4chan you only posted as Anonymous for 3 reasons
1) you were posting cringe
II) you were posting on the
>>>/l/ board
C) you were a frothing retard
so i was like nah, my forum and website are getting 300k uniques a day, i'm doing pretty cool, but i'll help you out with how to deal with ban evaders, and i show them the source code to my own forum and they changed it to expire after time X instead of after session time. imagine a multiverse where in order to get unbanned from 4chan, you actually needed to read the fucking board for 8 hours straight, then your ban is cleared. in web 3.0 that wouldn't work, people would just bot. eventually moot needed to add catptchas then one britsh broadcasting company spammer in
>>>/vg/ ruined it for everyone and they needed to add the 15 minute email
in the multiverse where i'm Zanno##Admin, there'd be a global rule about bitching about using the username field, even on red boards, and i'd be just like him where i'm an omniprescence in the wired and aggressively redtext people and scare the population in line
(User was not banned for this post)