>>11290321look into the Law of One and Gnosticism, it predates all modern religions that are based off on it. also look into the vedas, hermeticism.
but since very little survived the test of time you have alot of meditation on it do yourself, which is a good thing. broaden your horizon and read as many spiritual texts as possible, a bigger picture will form.
discover your true inner self and what truths you resonate with, its all really murky and was distorted, but when you listen to your hearth you know what is right.
at some point you connect with your higher soul/higher self and they will contact you to lead you along the right path.
thats where the real stuff only begins. its a wild ride so be sure you are ready. there is lifelong brainwashing for them to undo and it can get really fucky facing your innermost fears and processing your trauma to rid you of malevolent influences.
I have to warn you tho, your complete outlook on the world will change, you will experience a lot of magnificence but also the absolute opposite of it.
also bring a lot of patience with you, this takes a long time, but the process over time you make will spurn you on likewise.