>>21456288>How vast a spectacle then bursts upon the eye! What there excites my admiration? what my derision? Which sight gives me joy? which rouses me to exultation?- as I see so many illustrious monarchs, whose reception into the heavens was publicly announced, groaning now in the lowest darkness with great Jove himself, and those, too, who bore witness of their exultation; governors of provinces, too, who persecuted the Christian name, in fires more fierce than those with which in the days of their pride they raged against the followers of Christ.God came down from heaven as his son and even died for you. He trusted the tribes of Israel who are the original Europeans to spread his word. You only need to believe, follow the commandments, repent and you will enter a place of eternal bliss. Refuse and you will suffer infinite torment for being evil. Boiling in excrement, being flayed alive, having your guts cut out, having your nails ripped out over and over an infinite number of times.
So get reading and praying. God loves you so much that you can’t even comprehend it.