Quoted By:
>work as psychologist in psychiatric hospital
>some medcuck tries to argue against my opinion
>he thinks that patient's depression is a result of imbalanced brain or something like that idk, I just pulled out my nintendo switch and started playing Mario
>>I've checked her seroto -BING -nin levels. The-BING-y are way too l-WAHOO!-ow.
>medcuck stops talking. It's my turn now
>>you're fucking stupid. She's depressed because of years of abuse. Is your wife cheating on you also a result of imbalances in her brain? Is there a pill that'll make her stop being a whore?
>everyone agrees with me because human mind holds no secrets for me and they know it
>medfags really think you can just snap a person out of existential crisis with pills
Politically speaking is psychiatry the work of the jews?