>>14864238>more than 1 planetthe scale that you're playing on it something that will eventually be beyond my comprehension.
like a bird getting shocked on a powerline. unaware and unable to comprehend something much bigger than he is or ever will be~!
>>14864244the chances of dying in the US military are very low nowadays!
all the conflicts that the US is involved in seem to be slowly fizzling out!
I did sign my contract to support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic.
and I hope some day I'm able to do that!!
>we used to play Dota!aughug someone convinced me to buy that game for 20 dollars and a month later it went free.
that began my distaste for MOBA's as a genre...
>such time sinks they are for little essence!!MOBA's are really just an addiction
none of my friends who play league enjoy it.
I dont understand sometimes!