>>17063643EVROPA is full of rich and beautiful culture and different stances, that is correct. But that does not mean that we cannot achieve cohesion and that we cannot swallow our pride when facing a greater enemy, and the extinction of all those cultures altogether. Asia/Africa/America all have massive populations and are very much so united, and they will be a threat to all that we know and appreciate. Union of Evropa is a must, growing pains are inevitable but a sign of our will and desire to fight and live.
>>17063645Turkey has a large and healthy population, a long and storied history behind it, and large army that could be the tip of EVROPEAN spear and protect it's southern walls from the invaders. Every single Evropean country has a reason to hate many other Evropean countries if we look at history, but we must overcome the grudges for we face a worse foe.
>>17063646It is okay my Portugal friend, I forgive you even though you're missguided and lost. It wouldn't be EVROPEAN of me to turn my back on you.