>>4615945Flat Earthers are retarded
Let me red space you guys on this one
The earth IS spherical
But we arent on Earth, outside of this reality.
We are in a simulation of an Earth that existed 20,248 years ago before the collapse.
We are just entities floating on fragment of rock that was part of earth that was destroyed so many millennia ago.
There was no solution for us, we would slowly die off, so a simulation of life was created, the earth recreated and life allowed to flourish in this reality, as intelligent humans finally was created in the simulation we steadily allowed our minds to enter the virtual recreations of human civilization. Decades pass in this reality while only seconds pass in our statis, and when our bodies die in this reality our minds reset to a new one. However we did create lower lifeforms to impede and provide conflict to overcome, otherwise advancement would be stifled for too long. The collected knowledge is contained and is stored in a database, as the civilization grows we intend to use the knowledge in hopes of creating a solution to our condition.