>>4745236>Love is rational not how you feel.The issues arising in this exchange are purely semantic. Making the rational decision to stay with someone IS rooted in the "pure unconditional love" that I'm talking about, but you're both making an agreement to play the role of wife/husband. You are merely attaching this role to the underlying feeling, but the attachment is not the feeling itself. The pure love I speak of can only be felt in the present moment with another. That's why you feel so close with your friends during a shared laughter.
>Notice you keep bringing up how you feel and felt not what you did or what you enjoyed about her.That's because this isn't my blog post about our adventures together. The only reason I told that story is because it changed me from an atheist into a person more open to the idea that there is a spiritual aspect of this existence and helped me understand what the root of love is.
>This is not love period.Sure doesn't feel like it lately, but I have no doubt that it's there. The honeymoon phase isn't simply a phase, it's always there just waiting to be nurtured with mutual understanding and compassion. If you tell yourself that the initial fire that brought you together is gone, then you have made it so because you create your own reality.
In short, we have become very distant lately, but she didn't always feel that committing to me was being "tied down." It wasn't that long ago that she was constantly bringing up what age we'd get married, and I was the one running at that time. At the end of the day, I will be focusing on myself as an individual and if things work out, great. If not, I wish her the best. But until that's more clear, I will do what I can to mend this divide.