Despite being PROTECTED and MENTORED by Kelly Omega for months in Japan, Samantha "Which One Am I Again?" McTavish ignored the advice of the Bitch Blade and found herself in an UNEARNED AND RIDICULOUS match at Waifus Collide II. Then after LOSING her championship match LIKE A LOSER to the SUPERIOR AND GENIUS tactics of Kelly BY GODDESS Omega (who went on to WIN ON NIGHT TWO BY THE WAY), Samantha "My Sister Is Prettier And We're Twins" McTavish seethed for weeks and cried like a petulant little nepo-baby. Unable to talk her problems out like a big girl, The Worst Twin ™ finally showed her true colours and attacked the upstanding, number-one-beloved hero of the WWA, Kelly Omega FROM BEHIND LIKE A COWARD. After the vicious and uncalled for assault which Samantha is LUCKY DID NOT GET THE POLICE INVOLVED, the two meet here tonight for the very first time in a match where pinfalls can happen anywhere across the entire arena.
Will "Blackstar" Samantha McTavish show that emulating the Breast Bout Machine was the best decision she has ever made? Or will Kelly Omega unleash the NO WANGED ANGEL on her young opponent? The finish can come at any time and anywhere, and the match starts right now!
(This match write-up provided by Kelly Omega.)