>>19384473Carmody takes a deep breath again and seems to think something over before speaking.
>"And I feel pretty bad about that right now, but don't you go feeling bad for me. See, I'm not alone and friendless, FAR FROM IT. See, unlike you, Kanako, I have the ability to socialize without coming off as a nerd and a unhinged delusional nutjob. Something about being able to express myself clearly, not do weird shit in front of people, and show the slightest bit of goddamn empathy will do that for a person. And not only do I have Sola Fire, my ray of sunshine, and the next WWA Intercontinental Champion..... I've got Priscilla Divine. And I ain't talking about her money, her contracts, her title, I'm talking about PRISCILLA DIVANNA-ERIKSEN. A person and a friend. A better friend than Kanako Leichenburg EVER WAS.">"I didn't wanna leave the Dojo. You don't know how sad that made me. But now I move onto bigger and better things. And NO, that don't mean the Divine Angels, you fucking idiot, because what you don't understand is I'M STILL ME. I ain't changed. Still the same Carmody, and I'm STILL more likely to re-christen this arena the Nicole Kade Memorial Building the hard way than I am to ever share space with her of my own volition."Carmody Jefferson laughs bitterly.
>"The only difference with me now is, you won't get a second chance to stab me in the back." >"Because at the end of the day, I'm always Carmody Jefferson. I'm the One to Watch. And Kanako, you're an entry on the WWA roster page that nobody clicks on. A trivia question nobody gets right because you're not memorable enough. And the reason why Sue Plex is gonna be the SECOND most pathetic loser I ever set foot in the ring with.">"Suck my nonexistant cock, you weeaboo cosplay freak. At the B1 Finals show in our tag match, I'm finishing you off for good."Carmody Jefferson drops the microphone and leaves the ring.