Quoted By:
>[Thea Thority is in the ring at the head of a long table, where a bundle of paper sits in the centre.]
"Ladies and gentlemen, we are only a few nights away from the biggest night in the history of this company! The first ever B1 Climax winner will be crowned when Mare Equine and Jade Thorn meet in the final match of the tournament! We have an Intercontinental Championship ladder match, we have a Sugar Tornado for the Tag Team gold, and we will see the WWA World Champion Priscilla Divine team with Carmody Jefferson against the team of BLITZKREIG, Kanako Leichenburg and Lightning Nika, in what has become an incredibly personal and controversial affair!"
"But there is more! On that night, we are going to see a first time ever clash, a clash that many have waited a long time to see, and a clash that absolutely MUST have a winner! To that end, we are going to have ourselves a CONTRACT SIGNING right here in the middle of this ring! Both of our competitors have agreed to no physicality, to ensure that this upcoming match is contested as fairly as possible... especially after their recent run-in-backstage. So right now, please join me in welcoming the first competitor in this match up..."
"'The Dominant' Sue Plex!"